CCS can provide solutions to any aspect of coastal engineering. We can assist with the following services:
Numerical Modelling – modelling of complex coastal processes.
Extreme Value Analysis – Statistical analysis of extreme tides and waves
Wave Loading – The estimation of wave loads on coastal structures
Coastal Defence – The design of coastal defences. Beach nourishment, geotextile sand bag defences and sea walls.
Morphology – Analysis of coastal morphology using empirical and process based modelling (Delft 3D, XBeach, SBeach, in-house developed 1-line models). Estimation of coastal erosion.
Setback lines – The establishment of setback lines and the estimation of inundation risk
Overtopping and Wave Run-up – Estimating the overtopping of coastal infrastructure
Water Quality – Analysis of water quality, residence time, flushing and dispersion.